Assignment 2.2: Task Board (CSS)

Written by Michael, with huge help from Kashif Nazir

Due Tue May 9 11:59pm PT

Submissions not accepted after Thu May 11 11:59pm PT.

Backstory: You've made a very functional app. Now it's time to make it look (a little bit) nicer. After all, no one will talk about (or invest in??) your awesome new apps if they look like they came from the 90s.

In this assignment, you will add additional CSS to the task board app you built in assignment 2.1.

Learning goals

Through this assignment, you will


You'll start from where you left off with assignment 2.1, with a few adjustments:

  1. Add the following line to index.html after the current <link> tag:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles2.css">
  2. Download static.html and put it in the public folder. This page provides a "static" version of the board which you can use to test your CSS if you don't want to consider your JavaScript from assignment 2.1.
  3. Create a new file in public called styles2.css. You will write all of the CSS for this assignment in this file.

As with assignment 2.1, don't modify the HTML (aside from the additional <link> tag above). Your CSS must work with the HTML as provided.

The Layout

Your task is to implement the page layout shown here:

Screenshot of completed page. See below for description
Completed page
Screenshot of page while moving card. See below for description
Page while card is being moved


Here are the specific details for how the page should look, including relevant values. Note that these are visual descriptions, not necessarily specifications for how to achieve them. For example, if we say there should be 1rem of spacing above an element, you may need to add/remove margin/padding/etc. to that element, its siblings, and/or its parent to achieve the desired final spacing. Some details may require no additional CSS at all.

  1. Fonts:
    • Use sans-serif across the entire page. (This may already be the default in some browsers/OSes, but it isn't consistent, so set it explicitly.)
    • The "Task Board" heading is x-large.
  2. Top bar containing the "Task Board" heading and the add card form:
    • Background color #202020, text color white (the form inputs will continue to be black-on-white)
    • Extends across the top of the page, up to the edges (i.e. there should be no whitespace on the left, top, or right edges)
    • "Task Board" is aligned to the left, while the add form is aligned to the right.
    • There is 5rem of spacing to the left of "Task Board" and to the right of the add form.
    • There is 0.5rem of spacing above and below the tallest part of the bar (which will likely be the add form). The other part of the bar is vertically centered.
    • There is no additional vertical spacing (e.g. on the "Task Board" heading).
  3. Add card form
    • The controls (inputs and button) are laid out horizontally with 0.5rem of spacing between each. They are all the same height.
    • The title input is 20em wide and the color input is 8em wide.
    • The add button has background color lightgreen, black text. There is 0.25rem of spacing above and below and 1rem of spacing to the left and right (still within the green).
  4. The board and columns
    • The board takes up the full width of the screen, with 5rem of spacing on the left and right (to align with the top bar).
    • The three sections of the board (To Do, Doing, and Done) are laid out as equal-width columns. (See the note about the flex property.)
    • The To Do and Done columns have a background color of #f0f0f0. The Doing column has a white background.
    • There is 0.5rem of spacing on the left and right of the column (within the gray background for To Do and Done).
    • There is 1rem of spacing above, left, and right of the column title. This is in addition to the left/right spacing of the column.
    • There is no (white) vertical spacing between the column and the top bar.
  5. Columns and cards
    • Items inside of a column (e.g. cards and move here buttons) expand horizontally to fill the entire column.
    • There is 1rem of vertical spacing between each element in a column.
    • Cards have a 0.5rem border-radius and 0.5rem of spacing (within the background) on all sides.
    • There is no additional spacing at the top of the card (above the title).
  6. Card buttons
    • The card buttons (edit, move, delete) are hidden unless the mouse is inside the card.
    • When shown, the buttons are in the top-right corner of the card, 0.5rem away from the top and right edges. (They will partially cover a long title.)
    • There is no spacing between the buttons.
  7. Page height: We want the columns (e.g. the background of To Do and Done) to extend to the bottom of the window. Getting this effect is a bit subtle, so we are being more precise/prescriptive about how to do this:
    • Make the <body> a flex container, laid out as a column. (Its two flex items are the top bar and the board.)
    • Give the body a height of 100vh. Make the board expand to take up all remaining vertical space in its flex container. (If there are more cards than fit on one screen, the page should still scroll.)
    • Add 3rem of spacing at the bottom of each column (within the background), to prevent cards from running up against the bottom of the window.
    • Cleanup: Since body is now a flex container, its flex items automatically expand horizontally. If you had to explicitly set a width on the flex items, you should be able ot remove it.

Here are a few tips and notes for this assignment:


When you are finished, please submit your assign2 folder (without node_modules of course!) to Paperless.