Assignment 0: Tell Us About Yourself

Assignment by Michael

Due Tue Apr 11 11:59pm PT

Submissions not accepted after Tue Apr 11 11:59pm PT (no grace period).

In this assignment, you will first set up your development environment for the course, then answer a few questions so we can get to know you a bit. This assignment isn't intended to take very long, but we recommend getting started early so that you can get help if you encounter any issues with setting up your environment.

Step 1: Setup your development environment

First, follow these instructions to set up your development environment and verify that it is working correctly.

Step 2: Download and run the starter code

This step will be the same for all assignments.

  1. Download the starter code and extract the .zip file's contents.
  2. Open your command line and navigate to the extracted assign0 directory (i.e. the directory containing a package.json file).
  3. Run npm install to install the packages required to run the web server.
  4. Run npm start to start the web server. You should see a message saying that the server has started.

Your web server is now running. Point your browser to localhost:1930. You should see the assignment page. This confirms that your environment is all set up! (You might briefly see an error message on the page.while it loads the JavaScript. The error should disappear quickly; if it persists, follow the instructions on screen to try to identify the issue.)

Step 3: Fill out the survey

The page that loads is quite bare. Rather than interact with the page itself, we will focus on using the JavaScript console.

To open the console, either press F12 to open the DevTools panel and choose Console, or press Ctrl+Shift+J (on Windows and Linux) or Command+Option+J (on Mac) to open the console directly.

You should see a message in the console that the page has loaded, followed by a warning that an answer is missing. (You may also see a message that the browser couldn't load favicon.ico. It is safe to ignore that message.)

To fill in your answers, use your text editor to open the survey.js file in the public folder. The file is structured as a series of variable assignments, with each variable currently having the value TODO. Fill in your answers by replacing the TODOs, using the comments above each variable as a guide to what we're asking.

When you save survey.js, the browser should automatically refresh. The console message should change, pointing out any answers that are still missing. (It can be hard to tell that the page has refreshed; if you're not sure, you can enable "Persist log" by clicking on the gear icon in the top right of the console to prevent the console from clearing on refresh.)

Once you have filled in all your answers, the console message should change. It will show you your answers in the form of a JavaScript object. You can expand the object by clicking on it.

There will also be an instruction to call saveAnswers(). This is a final check to make sure everything is working as expected. Type saveAnswers() in the console, press Enter, and you should see a message that, "You're all set!" You should also see that a file called answers.json has been created in your assign0 folder, containing the answers object.


Once you have filled in the survey and the code has created answers.json, follow these steps to submit to Paperless. These steps will generally be the same for all assignments.

  1. Stop your web server by pressing Control+C in your terminal.
  2. Delete the node_modules folder. If you submit it, your submission may take a very long time or fail. (If you want to run your server again after this, you can run npm install again to get it back.)
  3. Navigate to Paperless and submit your assign0 folder for Assignment 0: Tell Us About Yourself.
    Paperless will check that your submission includes your answers.json as well as your public/survey.js.

You're done!

Getting Help

If you encounter any issues while setting up your environment or working on the assignment, please post on Ed or stop by office hours.